Health & Safety

Specdrum recognises the importance of delivering a high quality product and service to meet our customers’ requirements.

Health & Safety

Specdrum is committed to maintaining a safe working environment. We acknowledge our moral and legal responsibility to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all our employees and all others affected by our work.

Specdrum regard health and safety as an integral part of the management function and to have equal priority to all business activities. We have adopted a systematic and proactive approach to the management and performance of safety and health. All personnel, irrespective of position within the company, are involved in playing a full role in securing effective health and safety systems.2

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Terex Materials Processing, Dungannon source all its pulleys for the screening equipment from Specdrum Engineering. We have found that they are a reliable and easy to work with supplier. With Specdrum Engineering being a local supplier to our facility we operate with daily deliveries and work together to try and ensure we keep our stock to a minimum. We have found Specdrum Engineering to be a very supportive organisation with any changes that we would like to make with our method of supply.

Robert Neill Supply Chain Manager, Powerscreen

Robert Neill
Supply Chain Manager, Powerscreen