Due to the commonalities between the ISO 9001, 14001 & 18001 management standards, they are capable of being integrated into one system and implemented together. The result is an Integrated Management System (IMS) Specdrum Ltd.’s Integrated Management System (IMS) is a pro-active, risk-based management system, with its systems and processes incorporated into one framework. The integrated framework ensures that risks are identified, communicated and controlled in all areas of our operations, with the ultimate objective of achieving 100% product quality and zero incident status in terms of personal injuries, asset damage and environmental harm.
Specdrum has developed an IMS Policy to provide governance for all IMS operations. The IMS Policy demonstrates Managing Directors & Senior Managements commitment to the development, implementation and continual improvement of the Integrated Management System.
Specdrum recognises the importance of delivering a high quality product and service to meet our customers’ requirements.
Specdrum recognises the importance of delivering a high quality product and service to meet our customers’ requirements.
Specdrum delivers an on-going training programme for all employees, from induction training and assessment, operational and safety training to refresher training sessions.
At Specdrum, we take a lot of pride in how we go about our business.

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