MacMillan Coffee Morning & The Great SpecBake Competition

Our First Great SpecBaker Competition took place this morning & what a SpecBake Competition it was! 🍰🧁
25 entries, 2 judges & only One Winner 🥇
Congratulations to Jacqueline on her Peanut Butter Bites, they were Delish 🤤
In addition, Congratulations to the entire team for baking, donating and attending our MacMillan Coffee Morning, we raised a total of £640 for MacMillan Cancer Support.

Want to talk to a member of our team?


Terex Materials Processing, Dungannon source all its pulleys for the screening equipment from Specdrum Engineering. We have found that they are a reliable and easy to work with supplier. With Specdrum Engineering being a local supplier to our facility we operate with daily deliveries and work together to try and ensure we keep our stock to a minimum. We have found Specdrum Engineering to be a very supportive organisation with any changes that we would like to make with our method of supply.

Robert Neill Supply Chain Manager, Powerscreen

Robert Neill
Supply Chain Manager, Powerscreen